Open Mon - Fri 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
318 Ninth St. Worthington, MN 56187
(507) 372-8680
Report A Street
Light Outage
Providing Service to the Worthington Community
Call (507) 372-8680
After Hours, Weekends
and Holidays:
Call (507) 372-8690

Load Management Equipment and Electric Meter Change-Out


Worthington Public Utilities (WPU) has resumed upgrading the remaining water meters throughout the community. WPU is partnering with Allegiant Utility Services to accomplish these water meter exhanges for residential customers. 

Current WPU water customers have received a letter that contains instructions on how to schedule an appointment to get your water meter exchanged. There are multiple options available to schedule an appointment.  If you have not already done so, please respond promptly using one of the options.

WPU greatly appeciates our customers' cooperation in getting this project accomplished. If customers have any questions about the project or the process, please contact the WPU office at 372-8680.


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Wpu News

Odd Even Watering Restrictions
Jul 21, 2023

CITY OF WORTHINGTON WATERING RESTRICTIONSThe City of Worthington’s odd-even watering restrictions are in effect and are being enforced.  Customers having odd numbered addresses may water only on the odd numbered days of the
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Helpful Links

City of Worthington The Salvation Army Heat Share Program Gopher State One Call WPU Rebate Program