Open Mon - Fri 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
318 Ninth St. Worthington, MN 56187
(507) 372-8680

Credit Policy

Call (507) 372-8680
After Hours, Weekends
and Holidays:
Call (507) 372-8690

Customer Credit Policy

This credit policy summary is published to inform you of the terms and conditions of sale and to help you protect your credit rating. It also is intended to reduce the risk of bill nonpayment, which results in higher costs for all customers.

Deposits and Service Fees

When you request utility service, you are agreeing to certain terms of service and payment. When appropriate you will be asked to provide certain information, including your spouse's name , your place of employment and positive identification.

If you do not have a satisfactory credit or payment history, you will be required to pay a security deposit.  The deposit is based on the size and type of utility services and will remain on your account for a minimum of 13 months.  Your account will be reviewed 13 months after the deposit is received, and annually thereafter, and your deposit will be credited to your account or refunded at the time of review provided your payment record has been satisfactory.  Your entire payment history will be considered in determining a satisfactory payment record.

If you discontinue utility service before your deposit is credited or refunded, the deposit and any accrued interest will be applied to your final bill and any remainder will be refunded.

Terms of Payment

Payments are due on the 15th of each month. If the 15th falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, payment is due the following regular business day. The due date is printed on the bill. Payments can be made to Worthington Public Utilities by mail, payment drop boxes, Automated Clearing House payment, credit card or in person at the Customer Service Office. Payments made through the postal service or the payment drop boxes should be by personal check, cashier's check or money order. We may suspend service due to nonpayment of bills for utility service, deposits and other charges.

Late Payment Fee

A late payment fee will be assessed on bills when payment is not received by the due date. A charge of five (5) percent per month will be added to any amount owed after the due date noted on the bill.

Returned Check Policy

If a check is returned to us by your bank, a second check will not be accepted as payment. The payment must be made in cash, a cashier's check or a money order in our Customer Service Office or by credit card. You will be charged a fee for processing the returned check.

If an account has three or more returned checks or failed ACH transactions in a 12-month period, we will designate the account "cash only".  Payment must then be made with cash, cashier's check, credit card or money order for the next 12 months.

If you have been notified of a pending disconnection and your check for the delinquent payment is returned by your bank, service will be disconnected without further notice.

Non-Paying Accounts

Worthington Public Utilities may require additional security deposits on non-paying accounts. If you are required to pay your utility bills in cash due to returned checks, or if your service has been discontinued for non-payment of past due bills, or if collection action is needed to effect payment, you may be required to pay an additional security deposit.

Disputed Procedures

You may dispute a bill that you feel is in error by calling or writing Worthington Public Utilities. We will investigate all disputes. We will not disconnect a service for non-payment of a disputed bill provided: (1) you notify us before the bill is delinquent and (2) you pay all other undisputed charges when due.

Appeal Procedures

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of a dispute, you may ask for a special review by the Water and Light Commission. The Commission will decide whether Worthington Public Utilities' policies and procedures have been administered properly on your behalf. The Commission's decision is Worthington Public Utilities' final determination on the matter.

Notice of Disconnection

We may disconnect service if your account is past due. If a portion of a previous month's bill remains unpaid after the due date has passed, your account will be delinquent. A disconnection notice will be sent to you by first class mail and will indicate the total amount to be paid on your account by a certain date in order to avoid disconnection. If you wish to dispute a portion of the bill, contact us before that bill becomes delinquent.

Third Party Notification

You may arrange for another person or agency to receive notices if your account becomes subject to disconnection. All requests for such notices must be in writing.

Disconnection Fee for Non-Payment

When utility service is disconnected for non-payment, a Disconnection Fee for Non-payment will be added to your account.

Restoring Service

To restore service disconnected for non-payment, you will be required to pay the entire balance due plus any additional security deposits, disconnection fees and reconnection fees.

Name Changes

In some cases, such as death or divorce, you may change the customer-of-record name on your account. You will be responsible for the payment of all outstanding and future bills on the account.

Additional Accounts

Deposits on additional accounts may be waived if you have maintained a satisfactory payment record on your existing Worthington Public Utilities' account(s). You will be required to sign an authorization for Additional Utility Service for each additional account.

Request for Service

A 24-hour advance notification is required for all service requests. Worthington Public Utilities will attempt to respond to all requests for service in as timely a manner as possible.